Friday, July 23, 2010

July, the Month of Terriers

Tito: "Ah man! I hate it when there's a line-up for the bathroom and the guy in there is just primping."

Diesel: "Nothing like the cool grass on the belly." Jessie: "Ah Come on guys, let me smell that blade of grass, please pretty please?"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back with the Three Terriers

On the road again with Jessie, Diesel and Tito. Jessie off to an early lead.

Giving Jessie a lift up the hill, age does have it's benefits.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rascal Where Are YOU?

Rascal payed us another visit and he was so energized that we decided to play hide and seek. Oh Rascal where could you be?