Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Morning Swim

This morning we took Braunley and Mason to River Park where they got to go off leash and visit other dogs. In the video they are swimming and getting a jogger wet. Oops! :)
Braunley and Mason racing to get back to us and Braunley overshoots the target humans.

Mason and Braunley visiting

You just don't know how small your kitchen floor is until these guys decide to flop down on it.Just some country boys in the big city visiting their Auntie Lori & Uncle Graham.

Braunley and Mason posing for a shot in front of Glenmore Reservoir during our Shoreline Cleanup day. Unfortunately no swimming was allowed.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday Stroll on Oxbow Path in Weaselhead

Can you spot the weasel heads?

Both dogs in a calm submissive state of mind, Cesar (The Dog Whisperer) would be proud.

How we spend our rainy Sunday afternoons, enjoy our little movie.
Not for the faint of heart!

Happy Birthday Harley

Harley's 11th Birthday was low key on this Sunday after a long walk in the rain. He has to wait until Mom and Dad come home for his real Birthday gift (not the pre-chewed yellow plastic bone in this staged photo). In Dog time that's 7 x 7 = 49 hours. In that time there will be a couple of dog naps, another rainy walk, a lovely patty of Tripe and accompanying flatulence to pass the time.

Is that disappointment registering on Katana's face as she realizes she's wearing a used party hat, or is she worried we will discover she's got Harley's bed under hers?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bye Girls

I thought this was a cute shot with them posed exactly the same.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Smelling in the Rain

"Hey! I found that smell first, find your own." Sisters!

Relax after a long walk, but be alert in case there are treats to be had.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Sisters - Sadie and Maggie

Just spending a bit of the afternoon chewing on some sticks. Nothing quite like cleaning the teeth with a little bark floss.

Early morning walk overlooking the mountains and fields. What bales of fun in Blue Ridge.