Saturday, October 24, 2015

That's how I roll!

Yeah! That's how I roll!

Yeah, well that's how you bath then.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Rascal on the rocks

 Boulder dash!

Erratic jumping.

 No treats? Not even a click?

Okay, then I'll settle for a brush.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

ZorroDog, ZorroDog (Spiderman tune)

ZorroDog, ZorroDog,
Sleeps around just like a log
Walks a block, any size,
Catches his feet and likes pies
Look Out!
Here comes the ZorroDog.

Is he strong?
Listen bud,
He's got thyroid fortified blood.
Can he sleep after he's fed
Take a look In his bed
Hey, there
There goes the ZorroDog

In the chill of night
The stairs he will climb
with his failing sight
He arrives with a whine.

ZorroDog, ZorroDog
Friendly neighborhood ZorroDog
Wealth and fame
He's ignored
Chopped up egg is his reward.

To him, life is a great big hunger pang, yup
Wherever there's a food slip up 
You'll find the ZorroDog.