Sunday, February 21, 2016

Poppy Paws for Peanuts

The morning hunt begins.....

"You don't smell that peanut over there!! Come On! Follow the peanut hound."

And Success!!
"I was a good hunter this morning wasn't I?"
"I win the staring contest, treat please"

Monday, February 15, 2016

Poppy and Rascal - Day trip to visit the Llamas

What are they?

What is that?

What are they?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Farewell Zorro

We'll miss you Zorro. You were a real character. We enjoyed our long meditative walks around the block as you wandered from scent to scent, and your presence in the kitchen, padding around waiting to snap up any scraps, or just resting up for the next walk. I can see you with Butch in the fields of Elysium, sniffing out chicken bones.